Rail Life 2023 At Marston Rail Innovation Centre

The only exhibition to bring the entire rail industry together in a real railway environment.

 Photo: Anne and Network Rail CEO Andrew Haines  

At Rail Life 2023, Tauseef and Anne had the chance to listen to the vision of Network Rail as presented by their CEO Andrew Haines. Anne had a chance to ask him some questions in private which leaded to a direct contact and hopefully the much wanted contacts within the rail industry. The event allowed us to get updates on the latest innovation and technologies applied in the railway industry at large, such as asset management improvement, customer experience advances and rolling stock quality increases. In addition, we got to connect with the Network Rail Innovation team and see their AI use in action. In particular those companies focussing on predictive maintenance got our attention.

Watch the summary video here:  https://youtu.be/fJc0izcjOQw